The digital transformation - your profit!

Maturitäts Level der IoT Anwendung

After mechanisation, electrification and automation, we are currently in the middle of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Digital conversion. Thanks to fast access to the Internet (fixed net or mobile net) and the lowering of communication costs, it will become possible to network entire machines, or just individual sensors. The available data can be used to improve products, to prevent disruptions or to develop new services. Your clients can also benefit enormously from the findings and even use them to develop new, improved offers. The Internet of things (IoT) will enable new services and offer your company new possibilities!

This supposes, however, that devices are equipped with the appropriate sensors and communication modules (level 2). Suitable communication software ensures that data is transferred reliably and securely. Usable information is generated from the data and presented in appropriate form to interested and authorised users on their PCs (web browser) or smart phones (apps) (level 3-4).

Benefit for the manufacturer & the developer

As a manufacturer you are interested in observational data regarding the devices that are supplied. In the past, you had to conduct time-consuming surveys with customers to get this information. Once your devices are online, you decide how often the operating data is to be queried and you evaluate this data systematically. You detect faults in the design at an early stage and correct them before your customer notices.

From now on continuous improvement (QA cycle) is not just a buzzword!

  • Transfer errors and status of device and save in the database
    - Trigger notifications (email, SMS or MQTT)
    - Interface for ERP or ticketing system
  • Connect to individual devices (if necessary)
    - Request status details, read statistics counter..

Benefit for the service department

Start-up by service technicians receives optimal support via the web interface.

Once your device has established a connection to the server via the Internet, it receives the preconfigured data and - if required - the current software.

Adjustments made locally are immediately synchronised for data backup on the server. You can now safeguard all other adjustments and error diagnoses remotely without going to the object.

  • Configuration, start-up, improvement (SW upgrade)
  • „Preventative” maintenance, service, logistics
  • Optimised operational costs (transfer, maintenance)
  • Provider-independent, can be used globally

Benefit for the customer & the sale

You know how your devices are used at all times. You optimise the hours of operation and the offer, tailored to the user information. You shape your presence and the prices in real time, and you optimise your sale.

  • Sale / user statistics
  • Maintenance of product range
  • Pricing- / sales models (SaaS)